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21 Years to Midnight Movie Updates

21 Years to Midnight Movie Updates

Total Updates: 12

Chris Weitz to Adapt Same-Sex Marriage Drama '21 Years to Midnight' from The Hollywood Reporter

Chris Weitz is set to tackle the gay-rights drama 21 Years to Midnight for Fox 2000.

Fox Plans Movie About Same-Sex Marriage Case Plaintiff from The Hollywood Reporter

Fox is planning to bring to the screen the story of Jim Obergefell, the lead plaintiff in the landmark case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which led to the Supreme Court ruling finding a fundamental right to same-sex marriage in the United States.

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  • Jim Obergefell marries his spouse John Arthur in Maryland in 2013, three months before Arthur dies. The state of Ohio refuses to list him as John's spouse on the death certificate, so Obergefell sues. He is the lead plaintiff in a U.S. Supreme Court case that effectively legalizes same-sex marriage.

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