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The Circle Movie Updates

The Circle Movie Updates

Total Updates: 65

Amazon from Amazon

  • added a running time of 110 minutes of $title

Film Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to PG-13 for a sexual situation, brief strong language and some thematic elements including drug use of $title

STX Entertainment from STX Entertainment

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • When Mae (Emma Watson) is hired to work for the world’s largest and most powerful tech & social media company, she sees it as an opportunity of a lifetime. As she rises through the ranks, she is encouraged by the company’s founder, Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks), to engage in a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and ultimately her personal freedom. Her participation in the experiment, and every decision she makes begin to affect the lives and future of her friends, family and that of humanity.

EuropaCorp from EuropaCorp

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