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Robert Redford Drops Out of Directing 9/11 Thriller 'Against All Enemies' from The Hollywood Reporter

Robert Redford has dropped out of directing the 9/11 thriller Against All Enemies.

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  • A firestorm erupts in September of 2004 when Dan Rather reports that George W. Bush had received special treatment while serving in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, a report that was based on documents that turned out to be forgeries. Subsequently, story producer Mary Mapes is accused of lapses in judgment and is fired, while Rather's career and reputation are jeopardized.

from Variety

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  • The film will center on Rather’s 2004 report on CBS’ “60 Minutes Wednesday”about a series of memos critical of President George W. Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service record that had been discovered in the files of the president’s former commanding officer. The authenticity of those documents was called into question, which led to claims that the memos were forgeries.

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