Total Updates: 11
added a running time of 87 minutes of $title
added Godfrey Reggio as director to the film's credits of $title
added IMDb link of $title
changed the production status to Complete of $title
added Cinedigm Entertainment Group as a distributor of $title
added documentary as a genre of $title
Thirty years after Koyaanisqatsi, Godfrey Reggio—with the support of Philip Glass and Jon Kane—once again leapfrogs over earthbound filmmakers and creates another stunning, wordless portrait of modern life. Presented by Steven Soderbergh in stunning black and white 4K digital projection, "Visitors" reveals humanity's trancelike relationship with technology, which, when commandeered by extreme emotional states, produces massive effects far beyond the human species. The film is visceral, offering the audience an experience beyond information about the moment in which we live. Comprised of only seventy-four shots, Visitors takes viewers on a journey to the moon and back to confront them with themselves.
created the movie profile of $title
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