Total Updates: 11
Matthew Johnson, who wrote and directed the Slamdance fest winner The Dirties, is in talks with Warner Bros to draft Encylopedia Brown into a family film.
changed the production status to Development of $title
added Matthew Johnson as screenwriter to credits of $title
added Warner Bros. Pictures as a distributor of $title
added Vertigo Entertainment as a production company of $title
added Roy Lee as producer to the film's credits of $title
added Howard David Deutsch as producer to the film's credits of $title
Encyclopedia Brown is the nickname of Leroy Brown, the son of a local police chief. The teen runs his own detective agency out of his family's garage. Along with his friend and "bodyguard" Sally Kimball, Brown solves various petty crimes, often committed by the local bully Bugs Meany.
changed the production status to Announced of $title
created the movie profile of $title
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