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Kit Lambert Project Movie Updates

Kit Lambert Project Movie Updates

Total Updates: 13

  • changed the title from "Untitled Kit Lambert Project" to "Kit Lambert Project" of $title

Cary Elwes to Direct Biopic About The Who Manager from The Hollywood Reporter

The life -- and death -- of Kit Lambert, famed rock impresario and manager of The Who, is coming to the big screen with all the music and drama that entails, courtesy of producer Orian Williams and actor Cary Elwes, who will be making his directorial debut, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

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  • Kit Lambert discovers the rock band The Who while he is trying to make a film about the band, known then as the High Numbers. Instead, he decides to manage the band and to launch their musical career, and with Chris Stamp -- brother of Terence Stamp -- Lambert pushes Townshend to take The Who into more experimental avenues. The result is the seminal rock opera album "Tommy," which later becomes a Ken Russell film. Lambert also works with Jimi Hendrix and other artists, and is as known for self-destruction as they are.

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