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The Giver Movie Updates

Search for truth. Find freedom.

The Giver Movie Updates

Total Updates: 45

from Movie Poster Awards

  • added the tagline: "Search for truth. Find freedom." of $title

Film Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to PG-13 for a mature thematic image and some sci-fi action/violence of $title

The Weinstein Company from The Weinstein Company

  • added a link from twitter.com of $title

  • added a link from thegiverfilm.com of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • In a perfect world where there is no conflict, racism or sickness, every member of society has a specific role, and 16-year-old Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memories. As Jonas uncovers the truth behind his world's past, he discovers that many years earlier his forefathers gave up humanity in order to have a stable society.

  • added a link from facebook.com of $title

from Exhibitor Relations

Phillip Noyce in Talks to Direct 'The Giver' from Variety

Hollywood has been trying to bring Lois Lowry's celebrated 1993 children's book The Giver to the bigscreen for the better part of two decades and now the movie is one step closer to fruition.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • A fantasy tale set in a colorless dystopian society in which all memory of human history has been erased, emotion does not exist and citizens' professions are chosen for them. When a 12-year-old boy is assigned to serve as the Receiver of Memories (i.e. the next Giver) he discovers that all is not as it seems.

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