Billy Batson, a shy preteen boy, discovers that he has a magical connection to an ancient Egyptian wizard named Shazam who lives in another dimension. By saying the wizard's name, Billy is transformed into a tall, powerful red-white-and-yellow-costumed superhero named Captain Marvel endowed with six amazing abilities: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury.
Dwayne Johnson, David F. Sandberg, Asher Angel, Darren Lemke, Zachary Levi, Jack Dylan Grazer, Faithe Herman, Ian Cheney
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The Ballad of Wallis Island
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Sing Sing
Verona’s Romeo & Juliet
My Dead Friend Zoe
Official Trailer
Official Trailer
Official Trailer
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