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Permut Presentations Movie Updates

Permut Presentations Movie Updates

Total Updates: 20

Steven Spielberg DP Janusz Kaminski To Direct Jerzy Kosinski Biopic ‘The R... from Deadline

Steven Spielberg collaborator Janusz Kaminski is set to direct The Rabbit Garden.

Jack Black To Star In and Produce Jan Lewan Biopic ‘The Man Who Would Be P... from Deadline

Jack Black is set to produce and star in The Man Who Would Be Polka King.

Roger Ebert & Russ Meyer, Fox, And A Well Rounded Supporting Cast from Deadline

Amin’s Sobini Films has partnered with David Permut and Richard Waltzer to acquire Russ & Roger Go Beyond, a script by Emmy-winning Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons scribe Christopher Cluess.

Alan Ball to Helm Features On Chippendales Founder from Deadline

Alan Ball has found two film projects to sink his teeth into for his big screen return.

Turteltaub to Direct 'A Matter of Size' Sumo Wrestling Comedy at Paramount from The Hollywood Reporter

Producer David Permut is setting up the project with Howard Franklin writing a script based on a 2009 Israeli comedy about a group of overweight people who become sumo wrestlers.

Schneider to Direct 'The Conscientious Objector' For Walden from Deadline

Get Low helmer Aaron Schneider has been set to direct The Conscientious Objector for Walden Media.

'Glee' Star Strikes 'Lightning' from Variety

"Glee" star Chris Colfer is looking to be Struck by Lightning, making his bigscreen debut by toplining the indie coming-of-age comedy that's been set up with David Permut (Youth in Revolt).

HBO on Laugh Track with Sam Kinison Film from Variety

HBO Films has decided to give the bigscreen treatment to the late Sam Kinison. The company's developing a biopic of the outrageous comic with Tom Shadyac attached to direct and Rich Wilkes writing.

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