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Chartoff Productions Movie Updates

Chartoff Productions Movie Updates

Total Updates: 5

Chartoff Productions Ready to Tell 'Truth In Advertising' from Deadline

Ender’s Game co-producer Chartoff Productions has optioned feature film rights to John Kenney‘s novel Truth In Advertising, with the author on board to write the screenplay adaptation.

Chartoff Prods. Heats 'Ice' from Variety

Robert Chartoff and Lynn Hendee of Chartoff Prods. are heating up Ice, producing an action-adventure feature film based on the true story of Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition to the Antarctic.

Gavin Hood looks to play 'Ender's Game' from Los Angeles Times

ans of Orson Scott Card and his seminal science-fiction work "Ender's Game" were despondent last year when the author revealed that he thought the movie could be hitting the rocks. But the project about a boy hero is now back in active development, sources say, as independent production company Odd Lot Entertainment ...

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