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Underground Films Movie Updates

Underground Films Movie Updates

Total Updates: 12

Fox Swings For Electronic Dance Music Pitch Built Around EDM Star Diplo from Deadline

20th Century Fox has acquired an untitled pitch that will be built around the Electronic Dance Music craze, and will involve one of its biggest stars, Diplo.

British Actor Rafe Spall Lands 'Kill Your Friends' Lead Role from The Hollywood Reporter

Rafe Spall (Prometheus, Life of Pi) has signed to star in the Owen Harris directed adaptation of John Niven's cult music industry darkly comic satirical novel Kill Your Friends, from the author's own script.

Disney Buys Jason Micallef Spec ‘Ground Control to Major Tom’ from Deadline

Disney has paid mid-six figures for Ground Control To Major Tom, a romantic comedy by Butter scribe Jason Micallef that has Seth Gordon attached to direct.

Disney Nears Deal for Spec Comedy 'Something Cliqued' from The Hollywood Reporter

Giving a pulse to the almost flatlined spec script market, Disney is in negotiations to pick up Something Cliqued, a teen comedy spec by Karen Bloch Morse. Andrew Panay is producing via his Disney-based Panay Films along with Trevor Engelson and Nick Osborne of Underground Films.

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