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"Secondhand Lions" follows the comedic adventures of an introverted 14 year-old boy (Haley Joel Osment) who reluctantly finds himself spending the summer with a pair of cranky, eccentric great-uncles (Michael Caine and Robert Duvall). At first appalled by their gruff uncaring manner, over time he becomes enthralled with his uncles as the exotic tales and remembrances of their own youthful exploits introduce the boy to a world of imagination and wonder and re-ignites the old men's spirits.
This sequel, based on the Disney animated film, "The Jungle Book", starts where the original ended: "Mowgli gets restless in his new village home, and decides to return to the 'bare necessities' of jungle life, leaving behind his new girlfriend, Shanti, who's afraid of the dangerous wild animals Mowgli is used to romping around with. As it turns out, she's right to be. Mowgli's old nemesis, the tiger named Shere Khan, is out for bloody revenge. Can old friends Baloo and crew help Mowgli avoid Khan's lethal claws?"