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Unaware of the terrifying history of Heelshire Mansion, a young family moves into the estate, where their young son soon makes an unsettling new friend, an eerily life-like doll he calls Brahms.
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A small-time criminal joins accomplished thieves in a diamond heist.
The thriller follows a group of med students who hatch a scheme to see who can commit the perfect crime -- one that even a fellow pathologist couldn't unravel.
The project centers on the dark mystery surrounding a young woman's death, which is gradually revealed when the lives of seemingly uninvolved people intersect.
Based on the true story of a deep-cover KGB assassin sent to Manhattan amid the tumult of the 1960s with the mission of acquiring all the attributes of an American life until the time he is called upon to assassinate a defector. He's then faced with the choice between family and country after he marries an American woman and becomes a father.
No plot details have been announced.
A young paraplegic leads an ordinary existence until her family is brutally murdered by a mysterious trio of siblings. Escaping from the assassins, she discovers a sword that restores her ability to walk and grants her physical powers. With her new weapon she sets out on a journey of brutal retribution.
A videogame junkie faces a midlife crisis when he discovers a young punk has beaten the world record he has held since his teens. Determined to reclaim his place in gaming history, he and two friends escape their 9-to-5 lives for a shot to win Thundercade, the world's ultimate gaming championship.
The mysterious murder of director William Desmond Taylor.
A Hitchcockian techno-thriller.
A woman unwittingly finds herself at the heart of the ecoterrorism movement and conspiracy after freeing lab animals at a research facility in Poland.
No plot details have been announced.
Set in the future, a detective is faced with a moral dilemma as he investigates the dangerous black-market business of immortality.
A brilliant but troubled homeless man from Brooklyn along with his loyal canine sidekick Mr. Bones, sets out in search of his beloved mentor and high school English teacher.