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An expedition is launched to an ice planet that harbors an energy source with the potential to save mankind.
Set four months after the apocalypse, humans have been overrun by zombies. The head honcho, King Zombie, holds a grudge against the human survivors who made him an outcast.
A young paraplegic leads an ordinary existence until her family is brutally murdered by a mysterious trio of siblings. Escaping from the assassins, she discovers a sword that restores her ability to walk and grants her physical powers. With her new weapon she sets out on a journey of brutal retribution.
A catastrophic virus is unleased that destroys the world's oil supply.
In "X-Men: The Last Stand", the final chapter in the "X-Men" motion picture trilogy, a "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier, who preaches tolerance, and Magneto, who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test - triggering the war to end all wars.