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In "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) return for their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the teenagers are forced to face their darkest fears as they confront a dangerous escaped prisoner (Gary Oldman) and the equally foreboding Dementors, who are sent there to protect them.
A high-concept big-budget movie from director Roland Emmerich ("Independence Day"), it's about a climatological disaster that ravages the world beyond recognition. As millions of terrified survivors flee south, Professor Adrian Hall (Dennis Quaid), a brilliant paleoclimatologist, heads to New York City — now a frozen wasteland — in search of his son Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal), who may still be alive.
A 400-foot monster reptile with radioactive breath is revived, thanks to nuclear testing. It goes on a mad rampage, destroying Tokyo - how will they kill it?
- 4.4 / 5
Set in the fast-paced world of motorcycle racing, this action movie shows what happens to long-time biker Cary Ford (Martin Henderson) when he is framed by a long-time rival, Henry (Matt Schulze), the leader of a biker gang called the Hellions for the murder of Sleepy D, the brother of Trey Wallace (Ice Cube), the leader of the Machine, the most notorious and feared biker gang in the country. Cary and his friends must make a run for it as they have both Trey and his Machine bikers and the FBI on their tails.