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Ryland Grace is a school-teacher-turned-astronaut who wakes up from a coma, alone, on a space station with no memory of who he is or his mission. His memory returns in bursts and he pieces together that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to reverse the impact of a space event that had already hurled our planet into the early stages of an Ice Age. As details of the mission unravel, Grace must call on all of his scientific training and sheer ingenuity, but he might not have to do it alone…
Morgan Grant, who put her dreams on hold to raise her daughter Clara, now faces a strained relationship with her teenage daughter, especially after a tragic accident takes the life of Clara's father.
The untold story of the witches of Oz. This is the second part of Wicked - the first movie hits theaters in 2024.
Hank Thompson, a burned-out former baseball player, unwittingly plunges into a wild fight for survival in the downtown criminal underworld of 1990s NYC.
Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro adapts Mary Shelley’s classic tale of Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant but egotistical scientist who brings a creature to life in a monstrous experiment that ultimately leads to the undoing of both the creator and his tragic creation.
Set in the magical Orisha kingdom, a young woman named Zelie Adebola witnesses the death of her mother and other magicians, called "maji," under the order of a ruthless king.
In the 19th Century, two young prodigy illusionists are groomed to battle out their fathers' age-old rivalry in an enchanted circus created just for their competition. They complicate matters by falling in love.
From her place in the store, Klara, an artificial friend with outstanding observational qualities, watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the street outside. She remains hopeful a customer will soon choose her.
Arthur, a former academic who weighs 550 pounds, hasn't left his rambling Brooklyn home in a decade. Twenty miles away, in Yonkers, seventeen-year-old Kel is navigating his life as the poor kid in a rich school and pins his hopes on what seems like a promising baseball career―if he can untangle himself from his family drama. The link between this unlikely pair is Kel's mother, Charlene, a former student of Arthur's. After nearly two decades of silence, it is Charlene’s unexpected phone call to Arthur―a plea for help―that jostles them into action.
Set in an alternate present day, one percent of children are born savants with special powers. Called “brilliants,” they are capable of exceptional things. A federal agent uses his skills to become a master hunter of terrorists, pursues a savant terrorist who intends to provoke civil war.
Lowen Ashleigh (Johnson), a struggling writer, is hired by Jeremy Crawford (Hartnett)—husband of thriller author Verity Crawford (Hathaway)—to finish Verity’s series after a mysterious accident. At the Crawford estate, Lowen uncovers an unfinished manuscript hinting at dark family secrets and must determine if Verity’s work is fiction or a warning.
A young man begins shrinking in size after playing a strange board game and goes largely unnoticed by his parents.
The chandelier-shattering legacy of Barbara and Oliver Rose is passed down to their children. Josh marries Victoria, only to see the marriage fall apart over an incident involving missing Milky Way bars; and Evie is a promiscuous over-eater carrying her own shrapnel. The result is deceit, violence and destruction.
Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the meanest, smelliest, nastiest people in the world who also happen to own and operate the most disgusting, most dangerous, most idiotic amusement park in the world, Twitlandia. But when the Twits rise to power in their town, two brave orphans and a family of magical animals are forced to become as tricky as the Twits in order to save the city. A hysterically funny, wild ride of a film (chock-full of the Twits’ beloved tricks–from the Wormy Spaghetti to the Dreaded Shrinks), The Twits is also a story for our times, about the never-ending battle between cruelty and empathy.
An average boy, who daydreams about being a hero, enrolls in one of the world’s most prestigious and intimidating "superhero" school where he will find challenges that require him to risk everything to
A young woman brought up in the foster care system learns to overcome her troubled by past by communicating through the Victorian art of flower arrangement. She ultimately is able to reconcile with the only mother she has ever known and accept the love of a flower vendor.
The journey of life and its challenges.
Davis, a veteran jewel thief, plans to steal diamonds along the Pacific Coast Highway. He is pursued by LAPD Detective Lou Lubesnick after the heist, which Davis hopes will be his last before retiring.
Set against the annual competition known as “The Long Walk,” where 100 teen boys must maintain a walking speed above four miles per hour. If they receive three warnings in an hour, they are shot dead.
A boy struggles with self-doubt and bullying. His Navy SEAL uncle moves in and helps him build confidence and strength over a summer.