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Ryland Grace is a school-teacher-turned-astronaut who wakes up from a coma, alone, on a space station with no memory of who he is or his mission. His memory returns in bursts and he pieces together that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to reverse the impact of a space event that had already hurled our planet into the early stages of an Ice Age. As details of the mission unravel, Grace must call on all of his scientific training and sheer ingenuity, but he might not have to do it alone…
Described as a revisionist take on the classic horror film in which a family struggling to make ends meet relocates to an outdated suburban home and is confronted by an angry spirit who kidnaps their youngest daughter and challenges them to band together to rescue her from the clutches of evil.
- 3.6 / 5
Follows a professional thief named Parker - who was previously played by Jason Statham (2013’s “Parker”) and Mel Gibson (1999 “Payback”).
The new caper film will focus on the Pink Panther character, rather than Inspector Clouseau, and will harken back to the tone shared by the original Friz Freleng and David De Patie cartoons as well as that of Blake Edwards’ films.
Porgy, a disabled black beggar who lives in the slums of Charleston, S.C., attempts to rescue Bess from the clutches of Crown, her violent and possessive lover, and Sportin' Life, the drug dealer.
A young girl forms a friendship with a pocket-sized woman.
A group of farm animals have one goal in mind-- to become an underground rock band. Together, a sheep, a chicken, a pig, a goat and a cow journey to perform at the first-ever animal music fest, Livestock.