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An elite team of security contractors is deployed to rescue a VIP on an exclusive island. They discover the island devoid of human life: the neighborhoods abandoned, the streets eerily vacant. As they press further into the island, they are confronted by masked gunmen, deadly, unknown technology and an unfamiliar droning sound that is inescapable. As the threats intensify so does the sound, gaining in volume and deadly side effects. The rescue mission evolves into a desperate attempt to survive, escaping the island and the sinister presence that seeks to harm them.
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Inspired by a true story from the era of the Roman Empire. After her family is slain and her land stolen, warrior queen Boudica (Olga Kurylenko) leads a fierce rebellion against the Roman Empire, inspiring her people to fight for freedom.
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An epic adventure based on the 1960 revisionist Western novel by John Williams. Set in 1870s America, the film focuses on a man who forsakes his Harvard education to move to the small Kansas town of Butcher's Crossing. There, he joins the hunt for one of the last great buffalo herds.