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A big-screen story about the Mandalorian (aka Din Djarin) and Grogu amid the post-Empire galaxy.
The young Belgian reporter and world traveler is aided in his adventures by his faithful dog Snowy.
"The Perfect Mile" is the story of Oxford medical student Roger Bannister, Australian runner John Landy, and ambitious American athlete Wes Santee to be the first to complete the mile in under four minutes. The diverse trio had opposing personalities and running styles, and the winner, Bannister, completed the mile in 3:59:4 in 1954.
The film will be centered on the dawn of the Jedi.
A fading player/coach of a minor league hockey team tries to hype the Charlestown Chiefs for a possible move South and pumps up interest by turning his team into a group of brawling thugs.
Four thousand years before the Galactic Empire, hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. Bastila Shan, a Jedi Knight, leads an uprising against the Republic led by the villainous Darth Malak, a Sith Lord.
A musician has major commitment problems which lead him into a double life. He bunks with three pals in a bachelor's flat, but he is also a married man and father of two small children who tells his exasperated wife he often sleeps in the studio, working hard on jingle writing.
The life story of the legendary gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt. He was this handsome gypsy whose music was just reaching the mainstream when a fire started in the gypsy caravan and he rushed in to save his wife (getting badly burned in the process). The doctors wanted to amputate his left hand and right leg, but the gypsies (kidnapped) him and nursed him back to health. He played anyway, until he was captured during WWII by the Nazis, who had outlawed jazz in Europe and wanted to completely exterminate gypsies. His music wound up saving his life." He later became the toast of the Paris jazz set and realized his dream to play with Ellington at Carnegie Hall.
Colombian senator and presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt is held hostage by terrorists (FARC) for over six years in the South American jungle.
The '80s pop duo Milli Vanilli, made up of Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, soars to the top of the charts then falls just as precipitously when they are exposed as lip-synching frauds.
No plot details have been announced.
A youth soccer club is made up of international refugees who settled in Clarkston, GA.
The film will be centered around the escalating war between the Imperial Remnant and the fledgling New Republic.
Two cops, a father-and-son team who can't stand each other, are assigned to an investigation to infiltrate an outdoor adventure group/therapy camp for fathers and sons.
A group of multinational POWs in a Nazi prison camp decide to compete against each other in their own version of the Olympics after the 1940 games are canceled due to the escalating war. They risk their lives to stage the games under the noses of the guards.