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Porky and Daffy are our unlikely heroes and Earth’s only hope when facing the threat of alien invasion. In this buddy-comedy of epic proportions, they race to save the world, delivering all the laugh-out-loud gags and vibrant visuals that have made the Looney Tunes so iconic, but on a scope & scale yet to be experienced.
Set in a retro-futuristic past, an orphaned teenager (Millie Bobby Brown) traverses the American West with a sweet but mysterious robot and an eccentric drifter (Chris Pratt) in search of her younger brother.
Said to focus on the emergence of a sentient program that crosses over into the human world that is not ready for contact.
Adapton of the Stephen King novella of the same name. Tells a story about the life of Charles “Chuck” Krantz, a man dying from a brain tumor.
Set in a future world devastated by climate change, The Assessment follows a couple who must pass a test before being allowed to have a child.
Said to be inspired by the 1935 film Bride of Frankenstein.
When astronaut Sam Walker (Mara) returns from her first space mission, she’s found miraculously alive in a punctured capsule floating deep off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Expecting to be reunited with her husband (Luna), she finds herself placed under intense NASA surveillance in a high security house for rehabilitation and medical testing under the control of General William Harris (Fishburne). However, when disturbing occurrences begin happening around the property, she fears that something extraterrestrial has followed her back to Earth.
Four young women launch a rebellion against the tyrannical Queen of the moon and soar through the stars while fighting to take charge of their own destinies.
A big-screen story about the Mandalorian (aka Din Djarin) and Grogu amid the post-Empire galaxy.
Aliens invade Earth by traveling backwards through time and wiping out humanity -- yesterday by yesterday -- while one man stays a yesterday ahead of them, trying to convince the world that the end is coming again.
Centers on a young man who must fight to convince the love of his life that they are soul mates when he, as the result of an accident in India, ends up in a parallel universe where she has no idea who he is.
A live-action sci-fi family comedy, centers on humans attempt to thrive in a future world in which they are all housepets for a race of aliens.
A slacker attempts to find the people responsible for raiding his thoughts and relegating him to a life of being the great unknown.
Teenage survivors inherit a destroyed and desolate earth, after a cataclysmic event kills off every person on earth not between the ages of 12 and 21. Ill-equipped to restore society to working order, the surviving residents of New York City must try to rebuild their world from the ground up.
A half human/half fox along with a half human/half bird journeys from an orphanage to the city to save music.
A 19-year-old time traveler witnesses his girlfriend's murder and inadvertently jumps back two years. Stuck there, he's recruited by a shadowy government agency run by the man he thought was his father and vows to save his girlfriend no matter the cost.
A shunned author is magically transported to the Land, a mystical world where he discovers he is the incarnation of a great hero. The writer thinks it's all a dream. But he's the bearer of a magical talisman, and is enlisted to help save the Land from Saturn and his representatives.
A man seeks to cross a mysterious border that no one else has achieved.
An alien race function as the "United States of the cosmos" and they run things on Earth as well as on other worlds. Operating in secrecy, the aliens are unwilling to reveal themselves for fear of altering mankind's development.
A man with no memory beyond the last 10 days and a computerized hand discovers he is from the future. The man is being hunted by an alien race who see him as key to their survival, but he soon discovers a more complex and terrifying truth.