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Lowen Ashleigh (Johnson), a struggling writer, is hired by Jeremy Crawford (Hartnett)—husband of thriller author Verity Crawford (Hathaway)—to finish Verity’s series after a mysterious accident. At the Crawford estate, Lowen uncovers an unfinished manuscript hinting at dark family secrets and must determine if Verity’s work is fiction or a warning.
An elite battle force defends the fate of mankind in the spectacular action adventure Voltron. Five young warriors are responsible for the future of the galaxy when they become pilots of a battalion of ultra-high-tech Robot Lions, powerful vessels with the ability to join together to form a fearsome mega-weapon known as Voltron.
A young woman is left a strange present by a late-night visitor, and quickly realizes she is fighting for her life after slipping down a disturbing rabbit hole contained inside the gift.
A man loses everything after a home invasion leaves his family dead and two bullets lodged in his head. Miraculously, he survives and develops a unique power to see into people's past, present and future. With this gift, he goes on a mission of revenge to find the men who killed his family and in the process clean up his city long overdue for justice. But as his vigilante acts become more frequent and violent in nature, his arrival as the city's much-needed hero may be the announcement of its most prolific villain.
A man and his two oldest friends try to build a criminal empire in a contemporary Chicago where he feels crime might be the most honest job around.
Set in Victorian England, the film sees an eccentric governess arrive at a remote gothic manor, where strange happenings stir suspicion that she’s not what she seems.
An original pop musical trilogy based around the real-life 1301 story that inspired Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
The story centers Lucky Santangelo who is the daughter of Gino Santangelo, an Italian-American and former gangster.
A Spanish school teacher goes to Nepal on vacation and discovers her life's calling, to establish free-of-charge schools for Nepalese children.
A roadie goes on a journey of self-discovery and survival as part of a punk band's convoy, traveling through America circa the 1980s.
A police detective retires due to a paralyzing fear of heights brought on by a severe case of vertigo. His fears renders him powerless to save a woman climbs a tower.
The story Centers on the famed Vampire hunter Van Helsing, as mentioned in Bram Stroker's "Dracula".
A maverick bets he can drive cross-country in just 15 hours in a supercharged car.
Special ops interrogation officer Jimmy Vickers tracks down a gang who slaughtered his parents. With police closing in & his old unit on his trail, he has to to evade capture long enough to complete his gruesome crusade.
A chef swears revenge after a violent attack on his daughter's family, during which her husband and two children are murdered. To help him find the killers, he hires three local hitmen working for the mafia.
The project centers on a Holocaust survivor recruited by the American military to track a serial killer on the rampage in postwar Berlin. He must partner with a German cop who had been his friend and colleague before the Nazi regime came to power.
Hard-core teen felons join the FBI's Critical Response Unit as a way to clear their records. Their bad attitudes and formidable powers make them as dangerous as the bad guys they pursue.
Set during World War II, allied POWs prepare for a soccer match against the German National Team to be played in Nazi-occupied Paris. But amid the preparations, the French Resistance and British officers are making plans for the team's escape.
A TV programmer makes his station relevant by programming "Videodrome," a series that depicts torture and murder that transfixes viewers.
As seen from the helmet cam of a bio-safety suit, a scientist joins an extraction team going through quarantined areas of Manhattan, all the while secretly searching for her missing daughter.