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Inspired by "Cujo" and "The Birds", "The Breed" follows five young friends who vacation on a peaceful deserted island only to discover that the canines they befriend are genetically altered and possess a frighteningly high level of intelligence -- with an appetite to match.
This is a true story, set in Palermo in 1984, of the Sicilian "trophy wife", Angela (Donatella Finocchiaro) of a powerful member of the mafia (Mario Pupella) who becomes involved in her husband's drug dealing business which operates under the cover of her popular shoe store. Ultimately, Angela falls in love with one of her husband's underlings (Andrea Di Stefano), creating a dangerous love triangle...
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters" is an action-adventure epic that reveals the mysterious origins of Meatwad, Frylock and Master Shake. When an immortal piece of exercise equipment threatens the balance of galactic peace, it is up to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force to run away from it. Peril escalates when the Plutonians team up with the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past to strive for ultimate control of the sinister deadly device.
Stranded by a plane crash a thousand miles from civilization, pilot Charlie Lavery sets out across the endless tundra for the nearest outpost. He leaves behind a young Eskimo woman—beautiful and frail. After a harrowing struggle for survival, Lavery finally collapses on the brink of death. Mysteriously, the young woman reappears to save him and he slowly comes to recognize her wondrous, mystical connection to the land. Based on the book by Farley Mowat.