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Plot details are being kept under wraps.
A holiday family comedy surrounding the theft of Santa's bag.
A small-town doctor (Bargatze) finds himself with a unique bounty on his head just a week before Christmas.
The movie takes place in London's criminal underworld. Three improv actors are hired by the police to help with undercover operations. They end up getting involved with a criminal gang.
The story follows a young man who undergoes an experimental freezing procedure to save his life. He wakes up 42 years later, unchanged, in a future where he's alone. His only connection is his now much older ex-girlfriend.
Lowen Ashleigh (Johnson), a struggling writer, is hired by Jeremy Crawford (Hartnett)—husband of thriller author Verity Crawford (Hathaway)—to finish Verity’s series after a mysterious accident. At the Crawford estate, Lowen uncovers an unfinished manuscript hinting at dark family secrets and must determine if Verity’s work is fiction or a warning.
Fela Blackburn’s life is shattered when she loses her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the hands of a police officer. Determined to get to the bottom of the incident and seek justice, she leans on her best friend, Marley Wells, who is a lawyer, and her husband, Tony Wells, who is a former cop turned private investigator, to use their influence to find the truth. But as the truth unfolds, Fela learns that her entire world is rooted in lies and betrayal.
An elite battle force defends the fate of mankind in the spectacular action adventure Voltron. Five young warriors are responsible for the future of the galaxy when they become pilots of a battalion of ultra-high-tech Robot Lions, powerful vessels with the ability to join together to form a fearsome mega-weapon known as Voltron.
Follows the reign and fall of Peter Gatien, the 1990s king of New York City nightlife who owned the hip clubs Limelight and The Tunnel.
Set in the 19th century Caribbean, the film follows a former female pirate (Saldaña) who must protect her family when the mysterious sins of her past catch up to her.
Writer Tom O’Neill disappears into the complex and shadowy cultural vortex on the 1960s.
An adaptation of the multiple Tony Award-winning stage musical.
Former zombies attempt to reintegrate into society in a post-post-apocalyptic world.
A cop teams up with an Indian police officer to take down a diamond smuggling ring in India.
Story centers on finding lasting love and sustaining a healthy relationship.
No plot details have been announced.
A sequel to the hit 1987 sci-fi parody film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks.
Plot details are being kept under wraps.
Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevingne star in "Carnival Row," a Victorian fantasy world filled with mythological immigrant creatures whose rich homelands were invaded by the empires of man. This growing immigrant population struggles to coexist with humans in the grimiest section of the city -- forbidden to live, love, or fly with freedom. But even in darkness, hope lives, as a human detective, Rycroft Philostrate, and a refugee faerie named Vignette Stonemoss rekindle a dangerous affair despite an increasingly intolerant society. Vignette harbors a secret that endangers Philo's standing during his most important case yet: a string of gruesome murders threatening the uneasy peace of the Row. As Philo investigates, he reveals a monster no one could imagine.
Davis, a veteran jewel thief, plans to steal diamonds along the Pacific Coast Highway. He is pursued by LAPD Detective Lou Lubesnick after the heist, which Davis hopes will be his last before retiring.